World UAV Federation - Hellenic Chapter
WUAVF Hellas is the Hellenic Chapter of WORLD UAV FEDERATION which was established in 2018, registered in Athens, Greece as a non-profit and non-govermental organization. We serve as the UAV & drones industry official hub and international networking platform with the mission to facilitate further development of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) sector in Greece and southern Europe.
Our Mission
WUAVF Hellas focus on the promotion of the use of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) and Remotely Piloted Systems by:
• Facilitating the exchange of information regarding concerned technologies between industry manufacturers, government authorities, Universities, R & D centres, national ministries and EU agencies.
• Coordinating the promotional, educational and regulatory efforts with regards to Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) and their commercial and scientific applications
• Take measures to support the existing national regulation effort and harmonize various fields of interest within the UAV & drones industry with special focus on:
• Safe flight & Insurance policies
• Legal & Privacy matters
• Security & interception of illegal flights
• Public awareness & education
• Humanitarian & disaster relief operations
Code of Ethics
WUAVF Hellas is structured and operated as not-for-profit organization, independent, self-governing and voluntary. Any surplus that is generated through its operations is to be utilized solely to fulfil its mission and objectives.
Political Independence
WUAVF Hellas shall maintain independence and not be rigidly aligned or affiliated with any political party. The organization shall not implement the policy of any government, unless it coincides with its own mission statement.
WUAVF Hellas shall govern itself autonomously according to its own management structure and shall not be influenced by any donor, official entity, political party or any other type of organization. Policies, standards, vision, practices and global trends shall be in total alignment with WORLD UAV FEDERATION (WUAVF) in Shenzhen China, which is the parent organization.
WUAVF Hellas was formed by private initiative resulting from the voluntary actions of individuals who have chosen to pursue the shared concern of further development of UAV & drones industry in Greece and southern Europe. The retaining of voluntary values and principles shall remain a driving force on the way forward.